See how hunter Boots created a sustainable, floor-standing POP display for their latest season


Hunter boots fanned-1Hunter Boots approached KSF Global with the task of designing and manufacturing a POP display for their new season hiker boots. 

The company is committed to playing its part in protecting the environment, so a sustainable, eco-friendly and versatile POP display was a key part of the brief. Additionally, the displays were required to be delivered to distribution centres in Japan, the USA, Germany and the UK.

Download the hunter boots Case Study to Learn:

  • How the KSF team designed a sustainable, versatile display with a sleek design that could be across the globe.
  • What techniques we used to manage the tight deadline.
  • How we maximised their marketing budget for the best results.

The team at KSF were able to deliver impressive results for Hunter Boots, including savings in production costs. Throughout the project, we worked closely with the company to understand their needs and deliver on time, budget and requirements.

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