see How this retailer did the impossible


With high street retailers facing real danger from their online competitors, there is one thing that bricks & mortar stores have that eCommerce cannot replicate: a real-life interaction that wows!

So, you know that change needs to happen, but what, exactly needs to be changed? Finding out what is going wrong with your shopping experience is tricky. Where do you begin? How do you learn what works best for your customers and finally, how can you make sure that your retail design budget is not wasted?

Although customers enjoy the connivance of buying online, many will visit a store if it offers a shopping experience like nowhere else. Be it a unique experience, a chance to ‘play’ with products or just getting some good old fashion human contact.


  • How this retailer did the impossible by doubling their profits to £75.4 million.  
  • What a shopping experience auditing process looks like and how you can identify issues and solutions in-store.  
  • Ways that is the retailer transformed their shopping experience to build customer loyalty. 
  • How KSF Global made drastic cost savings by streamlining display units. 

KSF Global are experts on creating the perfect shopping experience for your customers. Learn how KSF Global solved multiple issues with this retailer’s shopping experience simply by re-evaluating their layout, displays and customer engagement. 

KSF Global were able provide this business with a unique retail solution that improved their customer’s experience and perception.  No sacrifice was made on quality of display fixtures and fittings as this retailer was able to make full use of KSF’s world-wide network of designers, engineers and distributors. The experts at KSF Global guided the retailer throughout the entire design and manufacturing process smoothly to produce solutions that fitted the business perfectly.